Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Sound project

During the lesson on sound in class I learned about different types of sound in film making. How sound makes a huge difference in film production, giving dimension, emotional impact, complement visuals, and helps with viewer perception. The different types of sounds I learned about is synchronous sound, asynchronous sound, diegetic, nondiegetic, sound motif, sound perspective, sound bridge, and voiceover. I also learned about foley sounds, which are sounds that are made subsequent to the actual filming of the movie. They are made with different items or objects than actually used when filming. The directions for the Sound project were to create a 1–2-minute video, with no actual video being shown, to create a short film only using sound. We worked in partners, and had to create 4 of our own foley sounds. During editing, layering the sounds that we found was essential to create the effect of an actual scene going on. During brainstorming, I was thinking about something interesting that can be created and obvious to the listener to know what our scene is. At first, we chose a flight to New York City, but all of the things we had laid out was not possibly able to happen in the actual span of 1-2 minutes. My partner and I then decided on a plane crash, but that was going to be hard to depict, so we decided on a zombie attack. We then planned out the storyline, then the sounds that we would use and every sound that would be happening in that moment. Our outline helped with our sounds as we knew what sounds to pick and choose at each moment. The editing resource I used was Adobe Premiere, I believe that our video was decent, but there could definitely be improvements. When filming our foley sounds outside of the trees rustling, we didn't realize that in the background there were many daytime birds chirping, which was unrealistic to our scene which was at night, in a cemetery.

The link to the project:

CCR question #3

3/14 This is the script for question #3 of the CCR. For my second CCR video it will include questions #3 and #4, and this will include my fr...