Sunday, February 23, 2025

Audio plan


My plan for my audio is nothing specific. There is no choice of music as for now,
but I may use some sort of music that I am allowed to. For the sound effects I plan to mainly make them myself, so it really matches the scene. There will be constant dialogue. 

For example he is creating his own sounds here.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Character Development


This is my plan for my main characters character development.

I have decided to switch the roles and make the girl my main character. The film opening will begin with her being a happy, and joyful person without a care about other things besides her. Once she receives the unfortunate news she will contain her emotions and still keep a happy persona. Through the opening she will come to a realization how life can just suddenly be cut short, and to appreciate everything in life.     

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mise-en-scene plan (props)


Today I am planning on my mise-en-scene elements that will be used withing my film opening. For this post I will be discussing the props that I plan to use. First off, an iPhone will be important overall as that is where the unfortunate news will be delivered. I also want to incorporate some kind of pills, which I will fill an empty pill bottle with (soon to be decided) pills. These need to be realistic to the storyline I am aiming for. A few random props will be simple things, like the girl's purse, some papers, drinks, random sort of filler objects for the surroundings. I want to incorporate my polaroid camera to show my characters capturing and keeping memories together, to further push the storyline forward. This will include the polaroid camera (obviously) and some polaroid photos that show the two main characters in different settings. For the beach/pool scene (depending on what I end up using) there will be simple things like sunblock, sunglasses, hats, etc. These are some photos of some props I plan to use: 

Polaroid camera:

Mise-en-scene plan (Costumes)


Today I am still working on the elements of the mise-en-scene for my film opening, and the other element that I have chosen to discuss are the costumes. My film opening includes daily life and nothing out of the ordinary, or supernatural. So, my costumes will be very basic and will be outfits that are worn out on a daily basis. For the girl, throughout the film opening she will be wearing cute outfits that include jeans/jean shorts and a selected top. As for the guy, I plan for him to also wear jeans or shorts of some kind with a graphic tee or colorful button up. Bathing suits are included in my costume planning as I do plan to include either a beach or a pool scene, so these are essential to capture the moment. Perhaps I will include a fancy dinner or a dinner date where they will both be wearing something fancy, like the girl wearing a dress, and the guy wearing a button-down dress shirt. The shoes will be regular shoes, like sneakers for daily wear, and open toed shoes for the scenes with water involved. This is an image of the jeans from the internet to create an image of what I plan to use. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025




This is my finished storyboard.

Media Theory Research


Today I researched and decided that the media theory I wish to integrate into my project is Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium. The reason I chose this theory is because I believe that it is the best fit for my project, as the characters in my film will be introduced, then the film will continue with events. 

Tzvetan Todorov is the creator of this theory, and he created it in 1969. There are five different stages to this theory, including: equilibrium, disruption, recognition, resolution, and new equilibrium. The three parts that I learned about in class are the equilibrium, disequilibrium (disruption), and the new equilibrium. 

An example of this is the film Moana (2018)

This goes through the stages of the theory I am researching, as there is a state of equilibrium, then disruption, and then a repairing stage, and a new equilibrium. 

The way that I will use this, is that the way my storyline will go is I will have the main character speaking and her words coming true, then the disruption where the killer is sent to her because of her words, and finally she will find out what is going on and how she will fix it.


Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium and Disruption

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Project idea


After a lot of thought, I decided that I will not be creating a horror film opening, but instead a sad romance film opening. The film will begin with a patient in a doctor's office, where he will receive the unfortunate news of only a month left to live. He takes the news and doesn't tell anyone about it and instead decides to spend the rest of his time with his significant other who wasn't informed about it. In the month that they spend time together they will slowly drift apart, and his girlfriend will ask to break up. The last part of my film opening will have them going on a walk together and he will suddenly collapse. That is how my film opening will end. Then the camera will pan around the surroundings where the credits will begin showing on the environment and objects around. 

I take inspiration from the opening credits of the Deadpool movies.


Audio plan

 2/23 My plan for my audio is nothing specific. There is no choice of music as for now, but I may use some sort of music that I am allowed ...