Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR question #3


This is the script for question #3 of the CCR.

For my second CCR video it will include questions #3 and #4, and this will include my friend doing an interview.

:Hi guys welcome back to the ___ interview show, today we are here with the producer of the film opening "Running Out of Time"

Alexis: Thank you for having me

:Of course, I have a few questions that i would like to ask

Alexis: Go on ahead

:Throughout the film, how was your skills on shots improving?

Alexis: Throughout the development of my production, I was able to utilize some of the shots and techniques that we learned and practiced throughout the duration of the year. These shots include long shots, the establishing shot, close ups, tight close ups, etc. Although there were previous projects in which I was able to practice using these shots this production really made me work at attempting to include all of these shots that I was educated about.

:Cool! And for the editing, how did that go?

Alexis: Once again, these previous projects I was able to practice my editing skills, but this called for something more difficult than that before. Aside from putting all of the clips together and ensuring that the clips, the sound, and the order of them all go together, I was required to make a film opening with credits. This means that I had to learn how to utilize the text on the editing software that I used, Adobe. I had to make sure that the credits were how I aspired it to look as well as fitting the film and the requirements.

:Overall, how did this entire production help your skills develop?

Alexis: This production was really eye opening as there was many things that was going wrong, and I was able to recognize the skills that I was utilizing. First of all, the hardest part of the entire project was simply getting everyone together, there were only five of us that were required to together, but nobodies schedule lined up. I was behind a week on filming because of this. We were also on a time crunch, which means that while attempting to film, I had to ensure that I was making use of the techniques that I was educated on throughout the school year. 

CCR question #4


This is the script for question #4 of my CCR

:How did you integrate software technologies into your production?

Me: I used an editing software, Adobe. This is how my whole production was able to come together as this was quite literally one of the most important parts, the editing. 

:Why was this important to your project and HOW exactly was this editing software put to use?

Me: Without the usage of this software I would not have been able to put together all of my clips that I filmed and my production, would, well not be finished. I edited all my clips together making sure they were cut in the correct spots, and this software is also where I began entering the credits that is mandatory to include. Using Adobe my project was able to be edited and finished and hopefully meeting the requirements of what I was meant to do. All of my editing was done on this editing software.

:How was hardware integrated into your production?

Me: Well, it is not like I rented out any fancy cameras, or microphones, but I used my iPhone to record and create sounds.

:I see, what about the lighting?

Me: For the lighting, I also didn't exactly use any piece of equipment like a ring light or anything like that. No piece of equipment for filming was used other than my iPhone.

:Ok! and what about the online usage?

Me: Well, in order to get my film out I had to use google in order to be able to share the link

End with minimal changes

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group meeting #2


Today is the second group meeting of this project. My group members are Lucia Trinidad, Rehan Khan, Candelaria Rush, and Sofia Brown. We all discussed how far into our project we stand, regarding the filming and editing of the film opening as well as the progress of our CCR thought processes. Candelaria was very well planned out and knew her idea for her CCR. Everyone else was still deciding including me, and we just continued to discuss our projects. Rehan displayed a photo of makeup done for his film and it was really impressive. We discussed our filming processes and how long it took to film, as well as how many clips we had. The same goes for the editing. This is a group photo of my group members!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Audio plan


My plan for my audio is nothing specific. There is no choice of music as for now,
but I may use some sort of music that I am allowed to. For the sound effects I plan to mainly make them myself, so it really matches the scene. There will be constant dialogue. 

For example he is creating his own sounds here.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Character Development


This is my plan for my main characters character development.

I have decided to switch the roles and make the girl my main character. The film opening will begin with her being a happy, and joyful person without a care about other things besides her. Once she receives the unfortunate news she will contain her emotions and still keep a happy persona. Through the opening she will come to a realization how life can just suddenly be cut short, and to appreciate everything in life.     

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mise-en-scene plan (props)


Today I am planning on my mise-en-scene elements that will be used withing my film opening. For this post I will be discussing the props that I plan to use. First off, an iPhone will be important overall as that is where the unfortunate news will be delivered. I also want to incorporate some kind of pills, which I will fill an empty pill bottle with (soon to be decided) pills. These need to be realistic to the storyline I am aiming for. A few random props will be simple things, like the girl's purse, some papers, drinks, random sort of filler objects for the surroundings. I want to incorporate my polaroid camera to show my characters capturing and keeping memories together, to further push the storyline forward. This will include the polaroid camera (obviously) and some polaroid photos that show the two main characters in different settings. For the beach/pool scene (depending on what I end up using) there will be simple things like sunblock, sunglasses, hats, etc. These are some photos of some props I plan to use: 

Polaroid camera:

Mise-en-scene plan (Costumes)


Today I am still working on the elements of the mise-en-scene for my film opening, and the other element that I have chosen to discuss are the costumes. My film opening includes daily life and nothing out of the ordinary, or supernatural. So, my costumes will be very basic and will be outfits that are worn out on a daily basis. For the girl, throughout the film opening she will be wearing cute outfits that include jeans/jean shorts and a selected top. As for the guy, I plan for him to also wear jeans or shorts of some kind with a graphic tee or colorful button up. Bathing suits are included in my costume planning as I do plan to include either a beach or a pool scene, so these are essential to capture the moment. Perhaps I will include a fancy dinner or a dinner date where they will both be wearing something fancy, like the girl wearing a dress, and the guy wearing a button-down dress shirt. The shoes will be regular shoes, like sneakers for daily wear, and open toed shoes for the scenes with water involved. This is an image of the jeans from the internet to create an image of what I plan to use. 

CCR question #3

3/14 This is the script for question #3 of the CCR. For my second CCR video it will include questions #3 and #4, and this will include my fr...